FABMs when Planning for Pregnancy

In an ovulatory cycle with normal parameters, the fertile time is limited to about 3-6 days. Information about the fertile and infertile phases of the cycle provided by charting the events of the menstrual cycle allows the users of FABMs to time intercourse or insemination at a time when pregnancy is actually possible.
Fertility awareness based methods (FABMs) are helpful for anyone looking to time intercourse or insemination correctly in order to conceive. When experiencing menstrual cycles with atypical parameters, using a FABM can be especially beneficial. This would include situations where the fertile phase might be hard to identify (eg. very irregular cycles) or shorter than normal (eg. perimenopause). FABMs can help identify factors that reduce fertility which gives a person the possibility to address these factors even before they try to achieve a pregnancy. Charting the menstrual cycle can also help identify reasons behind infertility when trying to conceive has been unsuccessful.

The more healthy the person is before pregnancy begins, the more likely they are to have an uncomplicated pregnancy, delivery and postpartum period. Because FABMs can be used to monitor overall health, they enable people to address health issues well before they start trying to achieve a pregnancy. Charting the menstrual cycle is also a feedback tool which lets you know if the steps taken to improve health are helpful; if the menstrual cycle parameters start to normalise with for example diet or lifestyle changes this is an indication that these are the changes that also support fertility as well as a healthy pregnancy.
Find a Fertility Awareness Educator
Are you interested in finding a certified fertility awareness educator who can teach an evidence based FABM to you or your patients? In our educator directory, you can find educators that are certified by NUFA’s professional standards.